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Free Bridges Webinars

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All of Bridges webinars are presented in English unless noted in the description. 

Upcoming Webinar

New ASD Resources in Widgit Online

Date: Thursday, March 27th, 2025
3pm ET | 2pm CT | 12pm PT
45 mins
Presenter: Rebecca Lynch from Widgit Software

Discover how Widgit Online and their new Autism Support Packs empower individuals on the autism spectrum with symbolized resources for communication, behavior support, and social learning.
The Support Packs are a comprehensive, ready-to-use set of resources, developed by professionals and the autistic community free to subscribers of Widgit Online.

Our expert guest, Rebecca Lynch, will share her extensive experience with students on the spectrum, ages 4-19, and demonstrate how easy it is to customize the Pack’s resources in Widgit Online:

  • Social scripts and stories to support routines and transitions
  • Behavioural support materials for self-regulation and social interactions
  • Communication resources to aid expression and comprehension
  • Fully symbolized tools for accessibility and engagement

Plus, attendees receive free sample resources and a certificate of completion!

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Rebecca Lynch
Symbol and Education Specialist | Widgit Software

Rebecca is a qualified primary school teacher with over 14 years’ experience. She worked for 10 years in mainstream and 4 years as primary and communication lead at an autism specialist setting for 4 – 19-year-olds. This is where she discovered Widgit Symbols and the power that they have to open up a world of communication.

In her role at Widgit, Rebecca endeavours to create high quality resources which aid communication, understanding, and curriculum, as well as supporting school staff and parents through training sessions.

Discover debug’d: Inclusive STEM in Action!

Date: Wednesday, April 9th, 2025
3:30pm ET | 2:30pm CT | 12:30pm PT
 30 mins
Presenter:  Bogdan Pospielovsky

Join us for an engaging webinar where teachers who have used Debug’d will share their experiences bringing accessible coding to their classrooms. Plus, hear from a university that used debug’d to teach educators about Universal Design for Learning (UDL).

Debug’d coding kits are uniquely designed for ALL learners, including those with physical, cognitive, and communication challenges. Learn how it supports explicit coding instruction with real-world skills and student creativity while reinforcing literacy, math, collaboratively.
Be inspired by fellow educators in bringing UDL, and truly inclusive coding for all into your classroom.

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Latest Webinar

Bringing Shared Reading to Life with Readtopia & Readtopia GO

Duration: 45 mins
Presenter: Mike Kelly from Building Wings

Shared Reading is a key component of comprehensive literacy instruction for emergent learners, helping build confidence, comprehension, and a love of reading with social interaction.
In this webinar, we’ll explore:

  • What shared reading is and why it’s so impactful for literacy development.
  • How Readtopia and Readtopia GO provide ready-to-use lessons and engaging content to make shared reading a seamless daily routine.
  • Educator-friendly tools, including step-by-step tutorials in Readtopia GO, to support effective implementation.

Designed for teachers, SLPs, support staff, and instructional leaders, in 30 minutes guest speaker Mike Kelly, an experienced former special education educator, will provide practical strategies to enrich your literacy instruction. 

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Mike Kelly
Building Wings

Mike Kelly is an experienced educator with a strong background in special education, curriculum development, and assistive technology.
With a Master of Education from Boston College, Mike brings over seven years of classroom experience, primarily working with secondary transition students with severe disabilities and medical complexities. As a Special Education Teacher in Boston Public Schools, Mike developed and executed innovative strategies to support diverse learners.

Essential Tools for Teaching the Music Braille Code with APH

Duration: 45 mins
Presenter: Laura Zierer

Description Explore tools for teaching the music braille code with Laura Zierer, APH’s Education and Arts Product Manager.
Laura will introduce classroom-ready music instruction tools for students who are blind or low vision. Including:

  • Feel the Beat introduces braille readers to braille music at the same time that their sighted peers begin reading music in print -- usually around third or fourth grade.
  • Music Braille Wheel: Quickly identify music braille notes and their print counterpart – an ideal resource for any student, instructor, or parent, who is not familiar with the music braille code.

Join us to discover these and other innovative music resources!

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Laura Zierer
Education and Arts Product Manager | American Printing House for the Blind (APH)

Laura is the Education and Arts Product Manager at American Printing House for the Blind. She has developed products relating to independent living, orientation and mobility, English language arts, and the Music Braille Code. Laura holds a master’s degree in Educational Psychology from the University of Northern Colorado.

Bridges Break -- Clicker

Presenter: Iain Wallace

Clicker’s inclusive reading and writing tools enable every child to overcome barriers to literacy.
 In this Bridges Break, Iain will show how Clicker makes it easier than ever to create personalized literacy supports across the curriculum - from planning, to writing, to proofing -- regardless of learning challenges:

  • Jump-start emergent writers: build sentences word-by-word, scaffolding with Word Banks and Mind maps.
  • Support meaning and build vocabulary with picture and symbol support
  • Build confidence in editing with speech feedback, talking spell checker and word predictor.
  • Boost speaking, listening and reading skills through curriculum content accessible for all.
  • With its age neutral presentation and a complete suite of accessibility options including switch and eye gaze, Clicker delivers a suite of supports ideal for a range of students with challenges, including cognitive/developmental, sensory issues and autism.

With its age neutral presentation and a complete suite of accessibility options including switch and eye gaze, Clicker delivers a suite of supports ideal for a range of students with challenges, including cognitive/developmental, sensory issues and autism.

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La pause Bridges -- Clicker

Présentatrice: Emily Anctil-Lamarre

Découvrez comment les outils inclusifs de lecture et d'écriture de Clicker permettent à chaque enfant de surmonter les obstacles à l'acquisition de la littératie. Lors de cette session Bridges Break, Emily démontrera comment Clicker facilite la création de supports pédagogiques personnalisés pour tous les apprenants, simplifiant la planification, l’écriture et la révision, quel que soit le défi d’apprentissage.

Ce que vous apprendrez :

  • Aidez les jeunes écrivains à s’épanouir en construisant des phrases pas à pas grâce aux ensembles Clicker, aux banques de mots et aux cartes mentales.
  • Favorisez la compréhension et enrichissez le vocabulaire avec des supports visuels et symboliques.
  • Renforcez la confiance en révision avec des outils comme le retour vocal, le correcteur orthographique vocalisé et le prédicteur de mots.
  • Améliorez les compétences en expression orale, en écoute et en lecture grâce à des contenus accessibles à tous.
  • Obtenez des analyses précises et suivez même l’utilisation de l’application Clicker.

Avec son design neutre en termes d’âge et ses options d’accessibilité complètes (incluant le contrôle par contacteurs et par suivi oculaire), Clicker offre une solution idéale pour les élèves confrontés à divers défis, tels que les troubles cognitifs ou développementaux, les problèmes sensoriels ou l’autisme.
Rejoignez-nous pour découvrir comment Clicker peut transformer l’apprentissage de la littératie pour chaque enfant !

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Assimilate Ideas for your Student’s STEM/Biology Education

Join APH’s Science & Health Product Manager, Dr. Rosanne Hoffmann, to learn about three APH (American Printing House for the Blind) STEM kits:

  • Build-A-Cell,
  • the DNA-RNA Kit,
  • and the Protein Synthesis Kit.

See how these rich curricular resources will enhance the STEM education of blind or visually impaired students.

Date: Wednesday, December 7th

Time: 3:00 pm ET | 2:00 pm CT | 12:00 pm PT

Duration: 25 mins

Presenter: Victor Lajeunesse, Dr. Rosanne Hoffmann (Science and Health Product Manager, APH)

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Watch our past webinars on-demand - anytime, anywhere.

Alternate Access

Early Learning



Kurzweil 3000






Blind/Low Vision


Guest Speakers

Susie Blackstein-Adler

Susie Blackstein-Adler

Professional Development Leader @Bridges

Susie leads the professional learning team at Bridges. She has backgrounds in occupational therapy and education and has over thirty years of experience working in the field of augmentative and alternative communication and consulting to classroom teams concerning access to curriculum. She has done research on computer access, the inclusion of students who have complex learning challenges, and accessible coding. Susie provides professional learning on educational and assistive technology both nationally and internationally.

Christy McDonald

Christy McDonald

Manager of Professional Learning @Bridges

Christy McDonald is an educator, and curricular and assistive technology consultant, supporting people with diverse learning needs and those supporting them. She leads the curriculum support team at Bridges Canada and delivers professional development for educators who are implementing educational curricula for students with complex needs. She has developed a series of on-line courses to support teachers and parents in supporting the use of AT features in reading and writing. Christy is part of the Bridges coding team, developing accessible coding experiences for ALL students, using a UDL approach.

Leanne Husk

Leanne Husk

Product Manager @Bridges

Leanne Husk has a background as an educator for students who have complex needs and has certification as a Learning Disabilities Specialist. As a lead instructor for Bridges, she designs and leads workshops and works directly with students and teachers to help them create and implement dynamic and inclusive learning experiences with technology across the curriculum. Leanne first experienced the need for scaffolded instruction and adapted materials when introducing coding to normally developing students. These experiences have been invaluable as she works, in collaboration with OCAD University, supporting Bridges' current initiative - creating inclusive and accessible coding experiences for ALL.

Kim Mitchell

Kim Mitchell

Assistive Technology Support Specialist  @Bridges

Kim has been in the field of assistive technology for 30+ years supporting people with diverse needs using tools such as eye gaze access, augmentative communication systems, tools to support blind and low vision and more. She is certified in many of these tools. Kim has presented in person and virtually to groups nationally and internationally. She is passionate about helping people meet their full potential using technology, both high and low tech, to communicate and participate in all aspects of life.