Home / Debug'd Coding Curriculum

debug’d coding: UDL designed, inclusive coding curricula for all students 

Debug’d comes with a printed curriculum guide and adapted materials in digital, printed and ready-to-print formats.

Debug’d supports explicit instruction with differentiation for students regardless of challenges:

  • Physical
  • Cognitive
  • Receptive and expressive communication
  • Literacy
  • Visual perceptual
  • English language learning
  • Self-regulation and social/emotional

Each debug’d lesson creates connections to real world, daily living skills and activities -- communication, teamwork, sequencing, problem solving, perseverance and community building.

As students practice and apply each new skill, they learn to see themselves as creators and not just consumers of technology. 

With debug’d, students aren’t just learning to code, they’re coding to learn.

Introducing Debug’d – Coding for All!

Debug'd Dash & Dot

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Debug'd Coding Cubelets Curriculum

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Debug'd Coding Cubetto Curriculum

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Debug'd Dash and Dot Classroom Package

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Each debug’d kit includes:

  • Digital slide decks to guide instruction for each lesson
  • Social Story Template to prepare student for new learning
  • Symbol supported vocabulary and visual schedule cards
  • Bright, colourful posters to reinforce important strategies
  • Adult tip sheets

Why is coding important for all students

  • reinforces and generalizes literacy and math skills
  • increases communication and collaboration skills
  • fosters resilience and problem solving strategies by rewarding persistence
  • develops metacognitive skill required to give instructions to another person
  • builds confidence in the use of technology
  • generates a feeling of accomplishment
  • creates a sense of belonging in the learning community
  • makes connections to other curriculum areas such as: STEAM, Social Studies, Physical and Health Education

Debug'd was created through a collaborative partnership between Bridges Canada and the Inclusive Design Research Centre of OCAD University; made possible by a grant from the Innovation, Science and Economic Development department of the Federal Government of Canada.

Debug'd is a product of the Coding to Learn and Create project.  For more information about the project visit: