Accessible Coding collection: products, kits, workshops

Accessible Coding


For students with complex challenges, learning to code can help develop skills that are essential for learning, daily life and work.


Coding isn’t just about designing robots and writing software -- "Learning to Code."
Coding is essentially about developing logical sequences of events that achieve a repeatable goal. It means breaking down tasks into their component parts and  requires lots of collaboration.
For students with cognitive, communication and physical challenges, coding education can help develop social, daily living, and creative skills – “Coding to Learn.”
 Watch the video to see what we learned coding with kids with learning challenges.





Bridges, IDRC at OCADU Awarded Federal Grant for Accessible Inclusive Coding

“Coding to Learn and Create,” a joint project of the Inclusive Design Research Centre (IDRC) at OCAD University and Bridges Canada was awarded a grant of $1.6 million dollars. The Minister of Public Services and Procurement and Accessibility, Carla Qualtrough, announced today, celebrating National Accessibility Week. Read more


How and Why Accessible Coding for all Students

Coding is more and more a focus of many curriculum initiatives across Canada. Where team based problem solving, strategizing, logical thinking meets with technology, coding skills are essential in today’s world. Through coding students with physical and cognitive challenges can learn important life skills, and connect with the curriculum. Read more


Cubetto Robot Kit Brings Coding to Students with Special Needs 

The Cubetto Robot kit's unique tactile interface and thoughtful design can bring the coding strand of STEM learning to students with cognitive, physical and sensory challenges. Classrooms have been decorating, customizing and adding elements to both – or “hacking” – to create their own adventures and missions for Cubetto. Read more