Bridges News

NEW K3000 Web: Improved test prep, research, plus more books
NEW K3000 Web: Improved test prep, research, plus more books
  • accessible text
June 4, 2019

NEW K3000 Web: Improved test prep, research, plus more books

Improve study and active reading strategies in Kurzweil web with more options to organize your...
Bridges, IDRC at OCADU Awarded Federal Grant for Accessible Inclusive Coding
Bridges, IDRC at OCADU Awarded Federal Grant for Accessible Inclusive Coding
  • Coding
May 29, 2019

Bridges, IDRC at OCADU Awarded Federal Grant for Accessible Inclusive Coding

“Coding to Learn and Create,” a joint project of the Inclusive Design Research Centre (IDRC)...
WOW! This has been an incredible and fast paced journey! -- Making a PPT with a braille display
WOW! This has been an incredible and fast paced journey! -- Making a PPT with a braille display
  • Blind and Low vision
May 24, 2019

WOW! This has been an incredible and fast paced journey! -- Making a PPT with a braille display

Recently a special education itinerant for an Ontario school board emailed us a story about a...
New K3000 Accessibility Feature -- Customize Win. Shortcut Keys
K3000 update: new key mapping feature for Windows desktop app
  • Access
May 21, 2019

New K3000 Accessibility Feature -- Customize Win. Shortcut Keys

With so many different accessibility options now ubiquitous – touch, voice, as well as a...
NEW K3000 Web: Read and Outline on your Phone, Chromebook, PC -- anywhere
NEW K3000 Web: Read and Outline on your Phone, Chromebook, PC -- anywhere
  • GAFE/ Chromebook
May 7, 2019

NEW K3000 Web: Read and Outline on your Phone, Chromebook, PC -- anywhere

NEW K3000 for Web Browsers takes research or brainstorming to writing from the web to any...
FREE webinars on Gizmos and Reflex Math – exploring prevalent topics in Math and Science education
FREE webinars on Gizmos and Reflex Math – exploring prevalent topics in Math and Science education
  • assessment
April 26, 2019

FREE webinars on Gizmos and Reflex Math – exploring prevalent topics in Math and Science education

Explore Learning has put together a series of complimentary webinars to explore a range of...
EyeLearn – To Calibrate or Not to Calibrate
EyeLearn – To Calibrate or Not to Calibrate
  • Access
April 10, 2019

EyeLearn – To Calibrate or Not to Calibrate

With an EyeLearn eye gaze system for a student with complex cognitive, physical and communication...
Reflex Booster Pilot: Just in time for Provincial Testing
Reflex Booster Pilot:  Just in time for Provincial Testing
  • Curriculum
April 3, 2019

Reflex Booster Pilot: Just in time for Provincial Testing

In preparation for province wide testing, Bridges and Explore Learning are offering educators a Reflex...
How and Why Accessible Coding for All Students
Bridges presenting accessible coding for Special needs students at ISTE 2018
  • Coding
March 5, 2019

How and Why Accessible Coding for All Students

Coding is more and more a focus of many curriculum initiatives across Canada. Where team...
Canadian Teachers, Students: Reflex Math Builds fluency and confidence and its fun too.
Canadian Teachers, Students:  Reflex Math Builds fluency and confidence and its fun too.
  • cloud
November 13, 2018

Canadian Teachers, Students: Reflex Math Builds fluency and confidence and its fun too.

Canadian educators and students reflect on how Reflex, a research based system for mastering math...
Kurzweil 3000 V.16 is available now!
Kurzweil 3000 V.16 is available now!
  • accessible text
June 13, 2018

Kurzweil 3000 V.16 is available now!

Kurzweil 3000 has released version 16. It's available for download. Based on the type of...
Important Update: Chrome Apps Windows, Mac and Linux OS support end-of life in sight
Important Update: Chrome Apps Windows, Mac and Linux OS support end-of life in sight
  • GAFE/ Chromebook
June 11, 2018

Important Update: Chrome Apps Windows, Mac and Linux OS support end-of life in sight

Last year Google had announced that it was discontinuing its support of Chrome Apps for...