Bridges News

Bridges Live in Grande Prairie AB
  • Events
September 16, 2009

Bridges Live in Grande Prairie AB

I'll be doing a Bridge LIVE seminar with my colleagues Claire McLaren and Joyce Tschmier...
Kurzweil 3000 and PDF's
  • Google
September 16, 2009

Kurzweil 3000 and PDF's

For some reason there's a lot of misconceptions of Kurzweil 3000 not supporting PDF's. It...
Bridges To Learning Intent to Submit Deadline Looming
  • Events
September 16, 2009

Bridges To Learning Intent to Submit Deadline Looming

The Bridges to Learning Conference 2010 is set for May 13 15, 2010. This year...
Portable Communication Aids
August 28, 2009

Portable Communication Aids

Dynavox has yanked all its Palm communication devices.  People who've been around for awhile remember...