eye gaze
High Instructional Needs
iPad/ iOS
Tools for Living and Play

ChooseIt Maker 3 is Coming – Online!

[caption id="attachment_1127" align="aligncenter" width="465"]Screen shot 2013-06-11 at 3.41.19 PM ChooseIt Maker 3 screen shot from YouTube video[/caption] ChooseIt Maker has been a perennial favourite of educators and therapists working with early and emerging learners for close to a decade.  A simple focused user interface meant anyone could easily create a wide variety of choice-making activities to develop memory, literacy, numeracy, time telling, categorization and social skills in just about any topic you could think of. Well, we just found out that ChooseIt Maker Version 3 (CM3) is coming soon via www.helpkidzlearn.com; there’s a sneak-peek demo video up on YouTube [check out the video here]. [caption id="attachment_1128" align="aligncenter" width="498"]Screen shot 2013-06-11 at 3.57.27 PM (2) ChooseIt Maker 3 Access options screen shot[/caption]

Looks like the CM3  interface has been updated to make their easy-to-use activity builder even easier. But as always, Inclusive Technology has an eye on the latest access technology --  eye-gaze supports are built right in.

In addition, not only will ChooseIt Maker 3 live online, but you’ll be able to run your activities on iPad and Android tablets.  It's nice to see developers  not limiting themselves to just one tablet platform.

No word on pricing or exact release dates, but I’ve got my password to take CM3 out on a test drive so it’s got to be pretty soon. I’m going to try to squeeze in some time this week and I’ll report back as soon as I can.

--Bogdan Pospielovsky

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