Home Professional Learning Literacy Workshop

Professional Learning Series:
Delivering on the Right to Literacy
for Students with Complex Learning Needs

All students have the right to learn to read and write.

This series of early literacy workshops delivers educators’ strategies to support a comprehensive literacy program for emergent, transitional and early conventional readers and writers.

Students who are at an emergent literacy level require different strategies than those approaching a conventional level. We’ve developed our workshops to focus on different levels of readers and writers with their specific needs.

Participants can attend all workshops or choose the ones that apply to the learners they support.  

This series of workshops is delivered online. If your school district or organization is interested in a face-to-face or hybrid model, please contact us. 
We can design a professional learning program that works best for your team. 


Who should attend

  • Special Education Resource Teachers
  • Special Education Teachers
  • Primary classroom teachers
  • Educational Assistants
  • Speech and Language Pathologists
  • Early Literacy Consultants/Coaches

Organizational Benefits

  • Equip educators in delivering effective, evidence-based instruction to students with complex learning needs
  • Increase capacity of staff
  • Ensure the components of a comprehensive literacy program are implemented with all students (as recommended in the Right to Read Inquiry Report)

Personal Benefits

  • Development of a personal toolkit of classroom ready strategies and resource
  • Learnings for whole group instruction ready for immediate application.
  • Increase confidence in delivering evidence-based strategies for teaching writing to beginning writers
  • Connect with other educators who believe that all students can learn to read and write
  • Explore how the tools available in your district support these strategies and fit into effective teaching practice


Length (90min)

Do you struggle to support your emergent readers?

Emergent reading is defined as ‘all of the behaviours and understanding of learners of any age that precede and develop into conventional reading.’ (Koppenhaver et al, 1991; cited by Erickson and Koppenhaver, 2020).

Emergent readers are learning about:

  • The functions and conventions of print
  • Alphabet knowledge
  • Phonological awareness
  • Expressive and receptive language skills
  • Why reading is a fun and desirable activity

In this workshop educators will learn about the components that all emergent readers need to learn these important skills for immediate implementation:

  • Phonics instruction
  • Shared reading
  • Independent reading

See strategies and tools that support communication and participation for all learners, including those with complex learning needs.

Content  - What will participants learn?

  • Three components of literacy instruction to support emergent readers:
  • Alphabet and phonological awareness
  • Shared reading
  • Independent reading
  • Considerations for success for students with complex learning needs.
  • Identifying challenges facing teachers.
  • Distinguishing between emergent and conventional learners. 
  • Reviewing components of comprehensive literacy program.
  • Strategies, tools, tips, tricks and other resources to ensure participation and communication.